Firstly the students were asked to take one of their photographs that they had taken over the week and explore its strengths and weaknesses. Only half of the group had taken their own photographs on their theme so for the students that hadn't captured their own photographs they were asked to analyse the strengths and weaknesses on one of their chosen artists.
As a group we then brainstormed what things should appear in an evaluation or analysis of their own work. The students came up with:
1. Colour/ shadow
2. Composition for example: Rule of third
3. Strengths and weaknesses
4. Improvements
5. Links back to artist (How it informs your practice)
6. Exposure
7. Processes used
A powerpoint was then shown on sequencing
I then demonstrated how to drop mount their work for their hand in and next week they will take their own final outcomes and drop mount their photographs themselves.
For the final section of the lesson i worked with the students that missed last lesson demonstrating how to adjustment photographs in photoshop.
The students were told that they MUST produce 9 photographs for next weeks hand in.
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