Monday, 22 April 2013

Final outcome

I found that the strongest photographs taken, that exicuted the concept of the piece was those where I wrapped the model in the garment and then extended it onto the surrounding wall, as this trapped the model, controlling her movement and purpose of the project. So I decided to once I had photographed the model, remove her from the garment whilst it was still attached to the wall leaving the trace of her bodys form show the garments purpose within the concept.



Here I have experimented wrapping the piece around the face, disfiguring the face to create a sense of control. I still feel I could push the photography further to grasp a strong sense of control.


Here I attached the garment to the surrounding walls once wrapping it around the body and the head. The model was unable to move due to the control the garment forced apon her. I feel this photograph is strong as the models expression and body language captures the concept. She looks extremely uncomfortable, trapped and constricted to the wall behind her.

Pulling the model using the garment

This photograph again show me cotrolling her movement but it detracts from disfiguring the bodys form in a way of control and reveals that the model could remove herself from the pose if she wished. So therefore this image is weak as it doesn't show the garments true concept.

Experimenting with poses

In these photographs I wrapped the model tightly into the garment and put her into poses to try and capture the sense of control. By putting the model in these set poses I am controlling her as my puppet to pose in a way she may not if she had the raine to pose freely but I feel the photographs don't comunicate the control between the model and the garment. I will also experiment with pulling the garment while the model is wearing it to capture me controlling her to see if that captures the concept better.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Stafford College (Tuesday Week Three)

Week Three    26/03/13
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art and Design - Year 2
Final Major Project

Student Four:

This students topic for their project is Concentration camps/ war and is considering using a link to this idea to create a repetitive design around. They are at the stage at the moment where they are experimenting with several processes and techniques. They have experimented with the image of a gas mask using the following processes: Relief print, Monoprint, Lino printing and different line drawings.The student now aims to experiment out of their comfort zone and use materials and sewing to collage and work back into the images to create the detail within. The student will be undertaking a silkscreening workshop on Thursday so i have suggested to the student they research some textile illistration artist to get some inspiration ready for Thursday and get there images ready to do the silkscreening.

Student Five:
Student five's initial idea was looking at negitive space, escapisum and doodling and why people doodle. They then started creating doodles themselves and creating images from what they saw within the doodles. The student is also looking at bubbles and shapes help you escape from situation and problems. This student is still very much in the developing stage of their project and don't have a set idea for the work she will produce for the exhibition but this is ok at this stage. I have suggested they research more to back up their ideas and look at artist to inspire the ideas further.

After sitting down on a one to one basis with these two students i went round the class and looked at the work each individual was working on and asked them if they had any questions, or if they wanted to see me about anything. Most of the students were ok and motivated to just get on with their work so i just reasured them that if they needed some help or suggestion then to just ask. 


Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Stafford College (Monday Week Four)

Week Four    25/03/13
BTEC Level 3 Extending Diploma in Fine Art - Year 1

Today was the year ones hand in so this gave me an insight of the excuses the students come up with to why they can't hand in like; they forget they were handing in, don't have any work or just don't turn up. It was upsetting to see that the majority of the class couldn't hand in due to one of the previous reasons but the experience was also made worthwhile when I saw the work from the students that did hand in. Those students made me feel proud that they had learnt, understood and achieved a new skill.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Bondage Fashion

"Beautiful Monster" nº 7. Cover of NEO 2 Magazine. July-August,
Watch Bondage

Bond age
1. The state of being a slave.
2. A state of being greatly constrained by circumstances or obligations. 

As the words slave and constrain appear within the definition on bondage i researched into bondage fashion creating a link with the concept of control . I looked at the photography on the website The photographs inspired me in how i could capture control through the garment, poses and photography.

Depicting the overall image in this photograph on the right, from the model, the pose, the facial expression, the garment and how the model is only wearing the garment created by watches also made me think what i put the model in underneath the garment i make, if anything, the pose and body language and how these would capture the concept to its fullest. 


After researching bondage fashion I photographed the garment i made on a naked model to capture the concept of the garment controlling the body. I found the photos give a sense of control but not in the way I wanted. The photograph controls the viewers view of the amount of the models body they can see but doesn't capture control of the body. 

To emphasis the concept of control I aim to experiment with the way the garment wraps around the body in such a way that it disfigures the bodies form. I will also try extending the garment so it is possible to wrap around the limns of the model and then attach to the surrounding wall limiting the models movement and controlling the poses executed.